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FrictionLabs Beer? That's Right!

Denver’s Wynkoop Brewing Co. creates something the climbing industry has never seen – the Limey Unicorn British Golden Ale

Who knew that beer and chalk would be such a delicious combination? Well, trust us – it is.

In early December, 2017, the FrictionLabs team met with the brewers at Wynkoop Brewing Co., one of the most respected and delicious breweries in Colorado, to create an exclusive British Golden Ale fittingly named Limey Unicorn. And yes, you guessed it: it's brewed with Unicorn Dust! The chalk (magnesium carbonate) was added during the boiling process, a not-uncommon technique many breweries employ with various molecular compounds.

FrictionLabs & Wynkoop Brewing present the Limey Unicorn British Golden Ale
Unicorn Dust (Fine)
Unicorn Dust (Fine)

How did such a brilliant plan come together? When the good folks at Wynkoop (many of them climbers themselves) contacted us about a collaboration involving an ancient beer recipe using chalk, we jumped at the chance! Wynkoop is the oldest craft brewery in Denver, founded in 1988 by four beer connoisseurs – one of them John Hickenlooper, current governor of Colorado. We love their beer, loved the idea, and couldn't wait to work with them.

The Limey Unicorn is bound for entry into next year’s Collaboration Beer Fest held at the Hyatt Regency in downtown Denver on March 31st, 2018. Snag your tickets now to be one of the first to taste the world’s first unicorn-powered beer!

Check out some photos from the brewing day below:

FrictionLabs co-founder Kevin Brown getting involved in the brewing process of Wynkoop Brewing's Limey Unicorn British Golden Ale
‍FrictionLabs co-founder Kevin Brown getting involved in the brewing process.

Adding FrictionLabs Unicorn Dust to Wynkoop Brewing's Limey Unicorn British Golden Ale.
Adding in the magical ingredient.

Samples of Wynkoop Brewing's Limey Unicorn, a collaboration beer with FrictionLabs
Sample time!

Unicorn Dust (Fine)
Get It
Unicorn Dust (Fine)
Get It
Traversing the 180 year old stone basement walls at Wynkoop Brewing Co
Traversing Wynkoop’s 180 year old stone basement walls!

Wynkoop Brewing Co. Brewer Charles McManus preparing the world for the Limey Unicorn British Golden Ale
‍Wynkoop Brewer Charles McManus preparing the world for the Limey Unicorn.

The Wynkoop Brewing and FrictionLabs teams in the brewery basement
Wynkoop & FrictionLabs crews posing down in the brewery.

So, when can you experience the Limey Unicorn for yourself? Expect the beer to be released in the Wynkoop taproom sometime in the next 2-3 weeks. We’ll make sure to keep you updated with more details through our newsletter and social media channels as the official release approaches, so make sure to follow us on Facebook and subscribe to our email list on FrictionLabs.com!

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