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Andrew Bisharat's 5.12ish Guide to Rifle

For this segment, Andrew Bisharat (of Evening Sends) provides warmups and projects for a climber in the upper-5.12 range.

How to Use This Guide:

Simply print (or screenshot) this list and pair with Wolverine Publishing's Rifle Guide Book ($26). This Guide works best for those projecting in the 12d range.

Go-to Warmups:

Meat Wall

80 Feet of Meat (5.11b)
Cold Cuts (5.11a)

Project Wall

Rehabilitator (5.11d)
Bottom Feeder (5.11b)
Fistful of Dollars (5.11c)
Irie Meditation (5.11d)

Nappy Dugout

Mr. Cranky Pants (5.10a)
PMS (5.10c)
PMT (5.10c)
Geriatric Journey (5.11c)

Disclaimer by Bisharat: Most of the climbs at Rifle don’t get really good until you get to 5.13d, but still, there are a few really super classic gems in the 12c-13b range. Here they are!

Must-Do Projects from 5.12c - 5.12d

I am not a Philistine (5.12c)
Movement of Fear (5.12c)
Bloodhound (5.12c)
Pretty Hate Machine (5.12c)
Specimen (5.12d)
In Your Face (5.12d)
Blocky Horror Picture Show (5.12d)
Never Believe (5.12d)
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Must-Do Projects from 5.13a - 5.13b

Philibuster (5.13a)
Beer Run (5.13a)
8th Day (5.13a)
Pump-o-rama (5.13a)
Squeel to Stihl (5.13a)
Anti-Phil (5.13b)
Euro-trash (5.13b)
Vision Thing (5.13b)

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