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Niky Ceria's Italian Rampage!

FrictionLabs Pro Niky Ceria recently traveled through his homeland of Italy from North to South. Over 3 months, Niccolo hit main bouldering zones along with those less traveled. His focus was first ascents and at each stop Niky added yet another classic to the ever expanding attraction of climbing up and down The Boot.

Among the highlights for Niky was the area of Basilicata: "Basilicata is probably my favorite region of Italy, it includes amazing sandstone bouldering. This place was full of great potential to establish new lines and some of these projects were my main goal... 'Curry' (featured) is probably the best traverse I've ever climbed!  It was a very nice trip and the quality of the boulders was higher than ever." - Niky

Enjoy the vid and next time you're planning a major climbing trip , consider adding Italy to the mix!

Video: Niky CeriaNiky's favorite FrictionLabs blend? Bam Bam (super chunky)

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